- Spelling test Friday
- Spelling sentences due Friday
- Math worksheets due Friday
- Field trip next Wednesday
- Spirit Day : Red, Green, and White Dress up next Thursday
- Bake sale next Wednesday and Thursday
We started the day with working on subtraction problems. I created a subtraction poem for the students to help them better understand the concepts. After students got markers and white paper to answer 3 subtraction problems. The students worked on their problems and as a class we went over them together. We did a few more subtraction problems on paper and then discussed the answers together as a class.
Next we had French with Mlle Jessica!You can check out her blog at http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/
After first lunch and recess the students had gym with Ms. Yustin. You can check out her blog at http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com
Oakwood Concert
The students at Oakwood Academy had their Christmas concert this afternoon. Our class went to the concert and we had a great time looking at all the performances!