- Spelling test signed
- Math worksheet due Monday
- Bake Sale next Wednesday and Thursday
- Field Trip next Wednesday
- Spirit Day next Thursday
Froggy the frog- Inquiry into Language
We had a mystery guest come into our classroom today! A Christmas frog called Froggy was on our back door! The students were shocked to see our Christmas frog! I asked the students how do they think Froggy got into our classroom. Before they answered, I got them to get their journals and write about what happened. They had to use all five sentence starters: first, next, then, after and finally or lastly. Students were very creative with their writing and enjoyed the nice surprise!!
We continued working on two digit subtraction. I used playing cards for students subtraction problems today! Each student was given four cards and had to write the subtraction problem on white paper and answer it. They used our subtraction poem to help them.
Students had music today with a new teacher names Ms. Kelly! They loved her vibrant and nice approach to music!
Inquiry into Language
Students had their spelling test today. The words that were chosen were from the previous weeks.
Daily Five
Unit of Inquiry
We organized a toy chest today! We discussed different toys that go in toy chests! Students organized all their toys in categories and drew the toys that belonged in each category!