- Spelling test Friday
- Spelling sentences
- Math review due next Monday
- Math test next Tuesday
- Cursive two pages
- Hot lunch orders due Friday at 3:00pm
We had French with Mlle Jessica!You can check out her blog at http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/
We worked on counting money today. Students looked at coins, counted the amounts, and wrote the amounts on their worksheets. Some students paired up together to work on it!
Inquiry into Language
Today we worked on writing our sentences for last page for the report cards this Friday. The students wrote three sentences about their first term. The first sentence they wrote was about what they learned this term, the second sentence they wrote was about something they improved on and the third sentence was what their favourite thing that happened this term. You will see these pages on Friday when the report cards go home.
After first lunch and recess the students had gym with Ms. Yustin. You can check out her blog at http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com
Unit of Inquiry
During the morning and afternoon, all the grade one classes watched The Good Dinosaur today in Ms. Gandy's room. This was to end off our dinosaur unit!